The big deal about a DC motor?


So what is the big deal about a DC motor?  I bet you didn’t know that there were different motors in fans? I also bet you have seen that we really emphasise the fact that our Levante ceiling fans as well as the Mistral ceiling fans have DC motors. Let’s start by explaining what the two different motors are and then you will see how different they are. 



An AC motor is an Alternating Current Motor that uses a reverse functioning system. It is directly connected to an electrical charge which is required to rotate the motor. AC motors are the most commonly used monitors in ceiling fans currently. Our Breeze fan is an example of a fan that uses an AC motor.


A DC motor is a Direct Current Motor in the ceiling fan that uses a power source that is connected to a magnet transformer. The transformer then converts the energy to a direct current, resulting in a decreased quantity of power being utilised, making this type of ceiling fan 70% more energy efficient.  Not only are they more energy efficient but also quieter and cooler than an AC motor. Our Levante and Mistral ceiling fans both use a DC motor.


In a nutshell, AC and DC fans are differentiated by the type of electric current they use. AC fans are powered by an electrical charge with reverse flow direction and DC is working with the constant flow.  A DC motor is more energy efficient, quieter and cooler. Now that is the big deal about a DC motor!

How’s that for a fun fact of the day? I hope you feel empowered knowing the differences here.

With love,

Selective fans

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